Saturday, August 31, 2019

What Make a Good Restaurant

â€Å"This is the worse restaurant I have ever been to! (†¦) † exclaimed Lily, a friend of mine, as we walked out of the restaurant that night. We all, undoubtedly, have had a bad restaurant experience at least once in our lifetime. And if the judgment of the goodness or badness of a restaurant remains very subjective, we can still unanimously find similarities, common criteria between good restaurants. Thus, what makes a good restaurant? A good restaurant first of all , serves fresh and tasty food. Secondly, it offers an exceptional service and finally, it provides a pleasant and agreeable dining ambience. Food is the first parameter of judgment of the quality of a restaurant. Eating out means spending money, and surely, we expect to get the most satisfaction possible as the saying goes â€Å"we get what we pay for â€Å". Thus, we look forward to have tasty meals. And once again, tastes are unobjective: a dish that I find undelicious might be succulent to my companion. However, we are all expecting what we have on our plates to be fresh and made of good ingredients. As far as I am concerned, I have preferences to simple and traditional dishes; authenticity and originality matter. An Italian restaurant that I used to work for previously is a good example of simplicity and originality: we just offer olive oil, balsamic vinegar and Italian bread along with the salads as it is customary in Italy†¦Some innovative restaurants would be tempted to present those Italian salads with new dressings, which could be not very bad, but that would definitely take away the originality †¦And as we talk about food, timing is also an important aspect that needs to be considered. As we go into a restaurant, we anticipate a waiting time, yet this waiting should not be too long to the point that the customers lose their appetite. There should be an appropriate timing not only between entrees, meals and the dessert, but also before getting the bill from the waiter. And of course, the pricing should be reasonable. In all, foods from a good restaurant are fresh and tasty, original and fairly priced. Another important parameter to be taken care of is service. Some customers become clients only because of the friendly and nice service offered by the restaurant. Likewise, others may stop coming to one restaurant just only because of a bad service. Thus, apart from the friendliness and politeness that we naturally expect, what else makes a service exceptional? Well, here again it is subjective: some people like to be taken care of closely while others just want the waiter to take orders and go away†¦And having myself worked in a restaurant, I sensed that difficulty to find the right balance, because some customers may find me not attentive enough while for others I was too overwhelming. But eating out in other restaurants taught me more about appropriate attention: I did not want to be asked, as a customer, every 5mn if everything was alright, but I did not want to wait for 30mn to get a refill for a drink or to ask something†¦In few words, the right service is the one which is friendly and nice, making the customers feel really welcomed in the place. It is also the one that is attentive enough to see if the customers are in need of something but not too overwhelming to the point that the customers cannot talk to each other because the waiter keeps interrupting their conversation or get involved in a long conversation with them. And the last parameter is the ambience that the restaurant offers. Some customers may enjoy the food, the service but not its atmosphere. Since it contributes to the wellbeing of the customers, this third parameter has to be considered closely as well. Different things have to be looked up when talking about atmosphere. I would categorize them just in: music and presentation. Music, which includes the ones played in the background or by an artist as in a cabaret, should have the appropriate volume: loud enough to cover the conversation of the next table but not too loud to prevent people from the same table to hear each other. Presentation includes the design (inside decoration) of the restaurant. It plays a role in the mood of the restaurant. Most of restaurants nowadays have thematic design; for instance, the restaurant that I used to work for previously was centered on local arts. Since the promotion of local artists is the main objective, the restaurant exhibits paintings on the wall, and holds also painting session once a week. That gave a certain enjoyment especially for people loving arts. But the way that tables are organized is a part of presentation as well; they should be spaced enough to allow a better circulation, needless to say that cleanliness is very important. Surely, many other criterions can be taken into an account to affirm if a restaurant is a good one. We notice what good restaurant do so well when we experience the same things going wrong in a bad restaurant†¦but all things considered, one thing that can make a big difference is the proprietor: if he is passionate of food and hospitality, and not too much focused on only making fortune out of his business, the restaurant should be a good one. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THE CONCLUSION,

Friday, August 30, 2019

The influence of journalism and newspaper on the public sphere

The influence of journalism and newspaper on the public sphere Habermas developed the concept of the public sphere to mean that part of life, especially in social circles, where the population can exchange opinions on issues of significance to the common good, so as to form a public opinion. This public sphere is expressed when people gather together to debate issues that are with a political base. Habermas' effort rely on a characteristic historical moment when coffee houses, salons, and societies became the place of discussions during the 17th and 18th centuries and extends this phenomenon to an ideal of participation in the public sphere for today (Mayhew, 1997). The significance of the notion of public sphere lies in the process of debate, which must be modeled to a critical and rational discussion. That is to say that the discussion has rules where emotive language is avoided and focus is laid on the rationality of the contents being debated. The contributors are supposed to have a common attention in truth with no status differentials. Criticism is one component that is considered vital in this process such that the propositions are tested and the contributors or participants can make discovery through the process (Mayhew, 1997). Properties of journalism/newspapers that allowed a public sphere to emerge The media has played a critical role in the emergence of the public sphere. To start with, the press has a wide reach which allows more public participation. Sine early times, the newspaper journalism highlighted political controversies and development. The development of the newspaper in the 17th century was seen as an emergence of a critical organ of a public involved in vital political debate. The recent media has developed to the extent of commodifying news. In addition, publishers in early time took sides with loyalist or patriots. The news brought more controversy and kept the public informed of the political happenings. The editors more often than not created a sphere for political discussions. Changes to journalistic field and the newspapers that present the greatest challenges to a democratic public sphere The emergence of the mass press is based on the commercialization of the participation of the masses in the public sphere. As a result, this ‘extended’ public sphere lost much of its original political touch giving way to entertainment and commercialism. The role of newspapers as a traditional media has become increasingly problematic in today’s democracy. The gap between the democracy ideology and its practice is so conspicuous. The mass communication is lacking credibility in furtherance of democratic ideals. Many theorists have pointed out that newspaper and other journalistic channels separate people from one another and substitute themselves for older places of politics The newspaper has become active participants in the political process through their role in publicity, instead of reporting on the process itself. Furthermore the newspaper has become fundamental to political life. Political participants are required to regularly update with the media's requirement and plan their exposure actively; failure to do so they tend to fall quickly out of favor. Moreover, the lousy â€Å"media performers† assume the same failure. Public debates on television and the discussion columns in newspapers present little aspect of a critical-rational debate. (Thomson, 1995) Plebiscites, research in public opinion and opinion management do not provide a potential for democracy; they are adjunct to public administration rather than a true public discussion. That is they do not present a chance for discursive opinion formation. Manipulation of events is used to provide utmost televisual effects. Debates are modeled such that the extreme opinions clash in order to attain maximum impact and increase ratings. Elsewhere, there is little contribution in regard to the development of discursive public opinion or will. The choice of topics reflects the inclination to proprietal and commercial interests. Television programs that allow audience participation are directed to groups that are not significance for the public view. However, this admission does not guarantee any changes in the power structures within the society. So these programs provide just an illusion of involvement which arouses a feeling in the public that their democratic rights are exercised. As a result of the shifting communications environment, the public sphere is revealed as a platform for advertising. In the process, this realization has invaded the process of public opinion by methodically exploiting or creating news events that draw attention. Aspects of the current media system that present the greatest opportunity for the continuation or renewal of the public sphere The efforts to salvage the public sphere centre on making publicity a basis of logical consensus formation other than controlling popular opinion (Benson & Neveu, 2005). Traditional media can add into democratic functions through action as an agent of representation. The media should be organized to tolerate different social groups to articulate their outlook. In addition, the media should aid organizations to get support through publicity of impending causes and protests. That is the media should help these organizations operate as representatives medium of the supporters view. Presently, the internet presents a great opportunity to many of the things aforementioned. It has the capacity to extend participative democracy in a revitalized public sphere. The structure of the internet eliminates control by the conglomerate media organization. Many more people have access to internet opportunities and debate for the formation of political will. As well, the commodification of the internet is inevitable. However, the traditional media have vast resources and established audiences. The resources include money, expertise, research materials, and photographs while the audience is often willing to accept what they publish. (Mayhew, 1997) Conclusion A public opinion can only be formed if there is existence of a public that engages in rational discussion. The public opinion is a critical authority that balances social and political power and publicity can manipulate it so as to support products, programs, people and institutions. However, there has been a deterioration of the public a phenomenon which is fuelled primarily by publicists (Thomson, 1995). A person's individual point of view when solicited does not comprise the public sphere, since it include a process of opinion formation; for instance, a public opinion poll. Over the years, the notion of the public sphere has been used and linked to matters in media theory which include consumerism and commodification, culture and media ownership, surveillance and participative democracy, and desecration by public relations practitioners, virtual communities mapping, globalization and journalism in the future. The public sphere is still functional, although it is not and will not be the same. Its future lies within the digital media especially with the emergence of the internet phenomenon. (Thomson, 1995) References: Benson R. & Neveu, E (2005): Introduction: Field Theory as a work in progress. Pp1-25 Thomson, J.B. (1995): Advertising, public relations, and the problem of strategic communication, Media and Modernity. Pp119-148 Mayhew, L.H. (1997): The new public. Pp 189-235. New York: Cambridge University Press Thomson, J.B. (1995): Media and the development of modern society, Media and Modernity. Pp 1-80

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis Assignment- Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven develops depth and emotion throughout the entire song, starting very simply and gradually delivering ore complexity and Intensity from 2:14 onwards. There Is a clear build up as the piece progresses with the addition of new Instruments (2:14), an Increase In tempo (6:44), and change in rhythm regularly from quavers in 4/4 time to semi-quavers (2:02). Although Led Zeppelin follow no particular genre of music, this spectacular piece begins as a significant contrast to their usual hard rock, blues rock, heavy metal style with an almost folk, acoustic introduction.The introduction holds one main folk riff that forms the theme of many variations to underpin the musically Ingenious entrants as the guitar solo begins at 5:55, bringing back Led Zeppelins usual heavy rock reputation. Within Victor Loppers variation of Stairway to Heaven, there is no evidence of development or emerging energy and emotion. The arrangement does however change tempo many times from = 120 to -72, yet the changes fail to match the original song in the slightest and appear stilted, almost disjointed, as they seem separated at times by a number of awkward pauses (egg 2:30). Contrasting the entire structure of the original piece, this Lopez arrangement starts heavier, with very Instrument playing, and continues on lightly only from 0:17. A more upbeat heavier variation is introduced again at 1 and then the arrangement ends the same as the beginning from 2:30. These changes differ only very slightly and are unsuccessful in involving as much variety in the different parts as the original as it engages in the overuse of repetition. Although this is understood to be an arrangement, it fails to allow the different sections of the original piece to be properly determined.At one point It even Includes a feature trumpet part at 1 (see Figure ) that does not resemble any section of the original, Figure 1: Bars 33 36 of Stairway to Heaven arranged by Victor Lopez In the writing and arranging of this piece, Victor Lopez completely disregards the genre under which the original was written by turning this version into a big brass band song with no evidence of develo pment or sensitivity to the original structure of Stairway to melody, or riff, on lead guitar. This riff repeats for the first two minutes then continues at 2:16 into a variation, swapping between this and strummed chords based around G/B, AMA and D). The guitar solo at 5:55 begins with an A minor pentatonic scale then continues in A minor diatonic. The effect of having two melodies Mommy Page on guitar and Robert Plant with voice) creates a dynamic sound Ninth some clashes adding to the unique style of the song. Within the re-creation however, Victor Lopez makes no attempt at replicating the classic opening guitar melody which is the main and most iconic part of the song. This oversight alone, takes away from the original as this riff has become the trade mark and most well known part of the original Stairway to Heaven.The introduction starts with every instrument playing and an attempted take off of the chorus, contrasting the idea of one melody growing in Led Zeppelins version. The arranged variation begins in E flat major and modulates to D major. There is no clear melody evident at all throughout the piece, as the number of instruments playing at similar volumes, makes it hard to determine. Ornamentation is also a key musical flourish in the original, that lacks in Victor Loppers version, as there is no guitar and therefore none of the brilliant guitar techniques mentioned above, to make the music come alive and become more than just notes on a page. He timbre or characteristic quality of sound displays a great difference when comparing the Jazz arrangement of Stairway to Heaven to the original. Jimmy Page manipulates his guitar as the main sound source with such brilliance, using a variety of methods such as pull offs, vibrato, hammer-ones, bends and slides (see Figure 2). Ere guitar is the central instrument and is held responsible for the individuality and lividness of the piece as it holds the majority of the melody, and in particular brings out the contrast during the bridge and solo (5:35).The entire piece depends on the guitar as it continues to play throughout the whole song and is accountable for the most complex part, portraying the creativity and ingeniousne ss of Stairway to Heaven. The use of the Maelstrom (an electronic keyboard controlling pre-recorded musical sounds) to imitate the flute, creates the darker more eerie mood and adds timbre contrast to the guitar melody. Throughout the song, to assist the development, instruments are added to the guitar at each section change, such as the Maelstrom flute (0:13), voice (0:53), bass guitar (2:14) and drums (4:18). These imbrue changes during this piece, add to the musical complexity and impressiveness Ninth the way it begins very lightly and gets gradually darker throughout, until it ends ere lightly at 7:45. Figure 2: Example pull off, vibrato, bend, hammer on and slide- Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven Victor Lopez arrangement includes too many instruments to portray the mood in Inch the original depicts. As it is written for darker sounding instruments such as tenor and alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone and bass, it takes away from the lighter sounding parts in the original, and so lacks contrast.This version hardly changes trumpets stop playing and the other instruments hold long notes as opposed to collectively playing the melody resulting in a lighter timbre. This section is the closest Lopez comes to conveying to the listener, the original mood and contrasts of Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven. There is no modification of instrumental playing evident as the manipulation of this piece la cks variety in notes or rhythm which leaves no room for individual variations of the notes or instrument playing. The original was written mainly for guitar and voice, resulting in the option for light or ark timbre. This variation however consists of lower brass instruments inevitably leading to a consistent dark timbre, revealing this pieces inability to live up to the original. hen comparing the original to the arrangement by Lopez, it is apparent that the manipulation of certain musical elements such as the structure, melody and timbre results in this piece being an entirely ineffective and unsuccessful adaptation. Robert Plant once said Its sort of a feeling of power onstage. Its really the ability to make people smile, or Just to turn them one way or another for that duration of time, ND for it to have some effect later on.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The importance of information to organisations Essay

The importance of information to organisations - Essay Example e package designed to engage and entertain its customers such as the the Starbucks Entertainment division which is engaged in promoting and marketing of popular books, music and films. It’s outlets spread worldwide are equally popular in local as well as international markets. Owing to the ongoing environmental crisis and the heightened awareness of global warming, the company contributes its share by adopting environmental friendly measures. Starbucks was ranked at #17 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as one of the Top 25 Green Power Partners for the purchase of renewable energy2. The company strives to establish itself as a market leader by promoting business practices which would assist them in engendering social, environmental and economic assistance for communities where they operate. It centers its efforts in offering excellent work environment for its employees, making positive contribution to its communities, establishing long term and cordial working relations with the coffee farmers and taking stringent measures in reducing their environmental footprints4. Starbucks Entertainment comprises of a selection of finest quality music, books and films aimed at offering maximum ease and satisfaction to its customers and has several strategic alliances with some of the major players in the entertainment industry and has teamed with Apple iTunes which offers exclusive soundtracks which can be downloaded from the site. Strategic decisions involve the choice of alternatives which has the potential of having a significant impact on the company’s success in the long term. Tactical decisions on the other hand involve decision making in the day to day process that are required to reach the ultimate strategic goals of the organization. Operational decisions involve decision making in the routine decisions that affect the functioning of the organization such as planning, production sales, staffing, adjusting production rates, as well as controlling the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Computer Forensics Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Forensics Assignment 2 - Essay Example That demands setting up evidence storage container or lockers. Such lockers ensure security of evidence stored and restricted access by authorized staff. Locks installed should be of high quality and have limited possibilities of distribution of duplicate-keys. Evidence storages should be subject to regular inspections to ensure only current evidence are kept therein and closed cases’ evidence are relocated to secure locations in an off-site facility. The evidence container should be in a position restricted to authorized staff members and the number of people granted access should be minimum. Furthermore, only authorized staff members should inspect lock combinations. In case the investigations use intel-based PCs, computers are necessary. There is need to acquire the right Operating Systems (OS) and other applications. Computer forensics software package should form part of the software acquired (Nelson, Phillips & Steuart, 2009). Specialized software are similarly important. They include software such as Peachtree. Disk-editing software are also necessary for evidence analysis (Nelson, Phillips & Steuart, 2009). Computers may contain incriminating evidence including DNA but professional curiosity has a potential to destroy evidence. It is, therefore, imperative to properly document, collect and package the evidence from a crime scene. The U.S DOJ standards for seizing digital evidence are applicable (The Office of Legal Education, 2011). In the case of a drug dealer’s computer, the following process should be applicable. The investigator should seize the computer together with other peripherals found at the scene. Peripherals include cell phones, scanners and cameras. Printers CDs, DVDs and USB devices should also be seized. After that, the investigators should recognize information that can serve as evidence from the scene of crime. The next stage is to document the evidence

Monday, August 26, 2019

Business law, English leagal system, Contract law Essay

Business law, English leagal system, Contract law - Essay Example In the first scenario, it can be noted that The English National Operetta Company entered into a contract with Costumes R Us for the purchase of theatre costumes which were to be made according to designs supplied by the English National Operetta Company. All terms were agreed and the initial deposit was paid where the remaining balance will be paid upon delivery of the goods. Unfortunately, the premises of Costumes R Us were destroyed by fire before the delivery day. By any standard, this scenario represents a typical contract explained in the definition above. This type of contract involves the sale of goods and is governed by the Sale of Goods Act of 1979. Gibson (1988) suggests that the seller has a duty to deliver the goods purchased upon payment and the buyer has a duty to pay for the goods where ownership can be exchanged. The S.2(1) of The Sale of Goods Act 1979 concurs with this assertion and goes on to define a contract for the sale of goods as: ‘A contract by which a seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property (ownership) in goods to a buyer for a money consideration called the price.’ The contracting partners in this case are bound by certain conditions which are very important to the contract so as to protect the victim in the event of breach of contract which entitles him to repudiate and sue for damages. From this given scenario, it can be noted that there is a valid contract between English National Operetta Company and Costumes R Us. Legally, English National Operetta Company is entitled to claim for its refund of the amount paid following the failure by Costumes R Us to deliver the consignment before the date. Though it may be argued that this is a breach of a contract, it can be noted that to a greater extent, this scenario was a result of circumstances that were beyond the control of the suppliers of the costumes. Their premises were gutted by fire which was caused by the children playing so it would be unfair to lay the blame on them. This unfortunate incidence is what is normally called frustration of contract. Macintyre (2010) posits to the effect that the result of an event which occurs after offer and acceptance (the agreement) which prevents performance being carried out and which, as a consequence will terminate the contract legally with no risk to either party to be sued for breach. In this scenario, it will be unfair to say that Costumes R Us has breached a contract given that that the frustrating event involving the outbreak of fire is not the fault or a result of the actions of this organisation in question. It becomes impossible for the other party to fulfil their duty in the event of destruction of the subject matter of the contract for example Taylor v. Caldwell (1863). In such a situation, it is assumed that the contract has been cancelled naturally. Against this background, it is therefore advisable to English National Operetta Company not to sue this company for damages given that there will be likely chances that they will lose the case. It is the duty of the court of law to weigh the circumstances surrounding the frustration of the contract and come with an informed decision hence the chances of winning this case are very few. However, it is advisable that English National

Should Video Games Be Introduced into Schools Research Proposal

Should Video Games Be Introduced into Schools - Research Proposal Example The implementation of video games in the classroom provides an effective platform for teachers to assess the educational ability of students. Portal and Minecraft are some of the video games which can facilitate the cognitive learning achievement of students. The activity in the game Minecraft includes gathering, exploration, combat and crafting (Prensky, 2010). This provides an opportunity for players to virtually create anything. Portal is a puzzle-based videogame and its game style is more physics-based. The law of physics such as inertia and gravity is implemented by players to advance to the next level of Portal. The game is designed to inherent critical thinking and problem-solving. Both of the video games can be easily adapted to create different environments in the classroom. In high school, the Portal game can be utilized by teachers to teach physics. Minecraft game can be used to teach children. There are many video games that provide an opportunity for people to develop an entire city within the allocated money. Students get to know the basic comprehension of handling finances and managing budgets. The benefits of using video games in the learning process are not only regarded as advantageous to teach finance and strategy but also foster an interest in the branch of economics or business. Video games can be used by teachers to examine the characteristics of students. This includes individual differences, self-concept, goal-setting, and self-esteem. Moreover, video games can stimulate the learning process by allowing students to experience challenge, novelty, and curiosity (Willis, 2007). The application of games in the classroom can help to maintain and achieve the attention of an individual for a long period of time. This resembles the fact that it can benefit students by providing an element of interactivity. Children who have a development problem or are severely retarded can be benefited by the application of video games. A child suffering from this symptom is known as autism. The implementation of video games can help to develop cognitive and basic skills. Some of the basic skills include social, basic reading, language, and basic math skills. Video game enables to treat fear of confined heights and places. The use of video games can enhance the learning experien ce and makes easier for a teacher to provide feedback of every student to the parents.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Logistics and Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Logistics and Operations Management - Essay Example Replacement Costs on the rise due to poor quality Quality Costs Cost of control Prevention costs include Quality planning and Engineering, New product review, Product and process design, Process control, Cost of Burn in tests, Quality training and workforce development. Appraisal costs include Testing and Inspection. Cost of Failure of control Internal failure costs include Scrap, Rework, Retest, Failure Analysis, down time, Yield losses and down grading. External failure costs include Warranty Charges, Complaint adjustment, Returned product/material and Liability costs. Q2. In consideration of your response to part 1 and your experience in Aerials, i. Propose and explain what options a business and/or a supply chain has to cope with fluctuating demand. Options 1. Make or Buy decisions The most popular decision that a Business takes to cope with the fluctuating demand is whether to Make or Buy. A business must analyze their various costs of production involved in producing a product and compare it with cost of buying the product from an external supplier. If the cost of buying is less than cost of producing the product, then companies can opt for buying the product. This could be extended to each phase of the production cycle. 2. Forecasting Demand Companies plan and forecast the demand according to the future needs of the market. Forecasting demand assists in decision making with respect to investment in plant and machinery, market planning and future sales. Some of the popular forecasting methods include Time series methods Judgmental Techniques Causal methods (Econometric forecasting) 3. Quality management Companies strive to achieve quality standards like ISO 22000:2005, Six sigma, Deming awards...A business must analyze their various costs of production involved in producing a product and compare it with cost of buying the product from an external supplier. If the cost of buying is less than cost of producing the product, then companies can opt for buying the product. This could be extended to each phase of the production cycle. Companies plan and forecast the demand according to the future needs of the market. Forecasting demand assists in decision making with respect to investment in plant and machinery, market planning and future sales. Some of the popular forecasting methods include Companies strive to achieve quality standards like ISO 22000:2005, Six sigma, Deming awards etc. Total quality management along with Japanese techniques is widely practiced ensuring the continuous delivering of quality products. Nowadays a product without quality cannot exist in the market i.e. if a company is surviving, then quality is inbuilt. Quality forms the basis of survival of a company or a business nowadays. Quality audits and a lot of quality management practices are a means to ensure that the customer receives good quality product. Inventory control is a planned approach of determining what to order, when to order and how to order and how much to stock so that costs associated with buying and storing are optimal without interrupting production and sale

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Monotheism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Monotheism - Assignment Example D., â€Å"On Religion†). God, in Christian thought is conventionally described as a being that possesses omniscience, omnibenevolence and omnipotence. In other words, God knows everything, is perfectly good and has the power to do everything. Monotheism is the view that only one God exists such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. On the other hand, Polytheism is the conviction in and worship of more than one God (dess). For example, there can be as few as two such as Zorozstian or an inestimably large amount, for example, in Hinduism. They all accept the fact that various Gods exist, however they differ in their responses to that God (Philip A. Pecorino, â€Å"Philosophy of Religion†). Religion dissimilarities are initiated in food, dress and family rituals as well as beliefs. These beliefs and practices may be personal and private; however they cannot be divorced from questions regarding morality and truth. Considering that one’s faith is accurate and behaving in ways that reflect this belief may be dissimilar in the presence of diversity than in its absence. In present day, people’s public discourse in regards to religion has turned out to be a society of schizophrenics. They normally say that they respect irrespective of their allegiance towards different Gods. However, religious hate crimes tend to occur along with misunderstanding amid people of different religions. Thus, there exist outbreaks of religious spirituality and chauvinism (Wuthnow, R., â€Å"America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity†).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Foreign Market Entry and Diversification - Essay Example The paper discusses the need for diversification strategies of the companies that adopt means and methods to excel in their respective industry and reap untapped profits from the market. Specifically speaking about the diversification strategies of Amazon and Campbell Soup Company, the discussion assesses the company overview and performance along with the outcomes of their implied diversification strategies. Discussion The diversification strategy is that the company adds new products and simultaneously existing markets. This access to new activities, either by internal or external growth the company does operate in competitive environments, new result is a set of physical and organizational changes affecting the structure of the company and represents a clear break with its past history Kenny, G., (2009). 1. A combination vertical merger implies that control various stages of production the same product. 2. A horizontal combination is one formed by companies in an industry that dev elop same products. Part 2 & 3 To address these two parts of the assignment we are taking example of Amazon and are going to describe its diversification strategy for entering in the foreign market Overview It was Jeffrey Bezos after leaving his job as a programmer on Wall Street, has set the objective to build the best online store in the world (not the first, the best) with an obsessive idea: given to the buyer as the best trading experience. And he founded in 1994 with based in a garage in Seattle - USA, the company Amazon as the first virtual library on the Web. Today is an online retailer of books, music and more, offering services that traditional retailers cannot offer low prices, selections and large well-documented information about the products. According to Bezos, the future of the electronic sale is in the identification of supply, for example, the buyer is setting out the products that best fit your tastes based on their previous purchases .Their policies are strategic expansion and diversification, since Amazon does not want its brand associated with a product category, but is associated with the idea that works for customers. Assessing the Success Amazon successfully adopts the strategy of vertical diversification and effectively collaborates with the suppliers, customers and all other stake holders who are related with the company. Indeed, Amazon was the first to explicitly numbered line every step of the process and accompanies their clients to visit them. Amazon created the Amazon's Publisher's Advantage with other publishers. Amazon has managed to revolutionize the market, thanks to a surprising relationship management with the customer and the supplier (Doebeli, M., 2011). Amazon follows the principles of convenience and peace of mind by ensuring customers the security of purchases. It was the first site to accept online credit card (explaining in detail its operation) and for customers who are still wary, offers e-mail or fax as an alterna tive method to provide the information in your credit card. Amazon has done an excellent job in recruiting and satisfaction of stakeholders: publishers, distributors and other online retailers. Since all find it easy to operate with Amazon, the overall customer experience improves substantially. The secret lies in attracting Amazon customer information to learn more and grow faster. For the first time since its creation,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blues and Jazz Essay Example for Free

Blues and Jazz Essay Blues and Jazz are both very popular genres of music spanning almost a century of culture, aesthetics and spirituality. As the blues and jazz are horribly interrelated, this paper will try to differentiate the two great genres of music. A. What is Blues? Per definition, blues is the name given to both musical form and genre of blues. First coined by the African-American communities in the South of the United States of America by the end of the 19th Century, Blues was inspired by spirituality, work song, field hollers and chants- uncomplicated narrative ballads that rhymes. Its form is defined by the use of specific chord progressions- the most common being the twelve-bar blues chord and the singing is for stimulating purposes at slightly lower pitch than that of the major scale. Blues can be divided in several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues to electric blues to blues rock to punk blues. The term â€Å"the blues† refers to melancholy and sadness. The blues lyrics often refers to depressed mood as it embodies the African laborer, whose hardships and spirit is wed to the songs. B. What is Jazz? In contrast, Jazz sprung from the confluence of African and European music traditions. The African heritage evident in the use of blues notes, improvisation, polyrythms, syncopation and the swung note. The term â€Å"jazz† originated from a West Coast slang term and first used to refer to music in Chicago. Jazz has spawned plenty of genres from New Orleans Dixieland to big-band style swing to bebop to latin jazz to Afro-Cuban and Brazilian jazz to jazz-rock to acid jazz. The spread of jazz cultivated music and aesthetics around the world, hence, giving rise to plenty of unique styles. II. History A. Origin of Blues The Blues was born just after the civil war in North Mississippi. A singer would sing a line, and a guitar would answer. For many years, Blues was recorded only by memory, depicted and told live and in person. It was first made popular by the black composer, W. C. Handy in 1911-1914 The publication of Handy’s â€Å"Memphis Blues† and â€Å"St. Louis Blues† has made Blues popular. By the 1920s, Blues became a national craze. Mamie Smith recorded the first vocal blues song, â€Å"Crazy Blues†. The later 40’s and early 50’s saw the like of Willie Dixon playing what was Mississippi Delta blues backed by bass, drums, piano and occasionally harmonica and so began the popularity of blues on national television. Meanwhile, T-Bone Walker and B. B. King pioneered a style of guitar playing that combined jazz technique with the blues tonality and repertoire. In the 1960’s, bands like the Rolling Stones had picked up the Blues and brought it to young American white men. Rock, since the 1960’s, went through several blues revivals. The latest generation of blues players has drawn a new generation listeners to the blues. B. Origins of Jazz New Orleans is often credited as the birth place of Jazz. African-American music, through the Blues began the improvisation of Jazz. The most influential man is Louis Armstrong, the father of modern jazz. The swing era (1930s-40s) is the most popular and accessible time of Jazz, during this time, Jazz was the most popular music in America. What followed the swing era was one of the most important creative eras since the inception of Jazz. Mid 1940’s to mid 1950’s saw the birth of bebop. Quicker pace and complex harmony were combined with popular melodies to create this kind of subgenre. Jazz in the 1960s was inspired by the avant garde movement. Jazz musicians took the genre to the boundaries of creativity and began to speak out on social issues. The current era of jazz can be deemed to be a combination of the avant garde and neoclassical movement. Through improvisation, current musicians keep pushing jazz to the boundaries of music, experimenting with hip hop and other forms of music. III. Instruments and Musicians A. Instruments/Musicians in Blues Blues uses just about any musical instrument- guitar, piano, harmonica, bass guitar, drums, saxophone, vocals, trumpet, trombone. Different performers use different kinds of instruments. For instance, performers such as Frank Stokes, and Memphis Minnie utilised instruments such as washboard, fiddle, kazoo and mandolin. Musicians who have been famous in Blues include the like of Josh White (1914 or 1915-1969), Sonny Boy Williamson I (1914-1948), Gladys Bentley (1907-1960), T-Bone Walker (1910-1975), Roosevelt Sykes (1906-1983), Memphis Slim (1915-1988), Arnold Moore (1914-2005), Baby Face Leroy Foster (1923-1958), Lenny Kravitz (born 1964). B. Instruments/Musicians in Jazz Just like blues, jazz uses just about any musical instrument- saxophone, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, flute, piano, guitar, double bass, tuba, drums, vocals, vibraphone. Famous jazz musicians include Louis Armstrong (1901–1971), Thelonious Monk (1917–1982), Maynard Ferguson (1928-2006), Herbie Hancock (born 1940), Benny Carter (1907–2003), Glenn Miller (1904–1944), Charles Mingus (1922–1979). IV. Audiences A. Blues Audience The Blues originally was sang by the African-American laborer, to express his emotions on the general hardships in life. However, blues has reached the whole world. All the drama is still there but it is spread for those who can appreciate it. Anyone or everyone can be the audience. B. Jazz Audience Jazz, was spawned by the blues and since its inception, has now gathered millions of audiences around the world. There is no selective audience for this genre, anyone who appreciates jazz music is welcome to be its audience. V. Conclusion Blues is considered as the forerunner of Jazz, given that it started earlier and it actually spawned jazz music. Blues also speaks of traditions and personal experiences (the African-American laborer). Hence, Blues is more of a feel-based kind of music. It is very free, the only purpose is to relay the feelings, expressions of the artist. Jazz, for its part, is considered as dance music and improvisation is at its core. Jazz also incorporates more color, this is tricky for non-musicians and is far more technical in its aspect. Jazz is an exploration on how to make music more colorful, hence jazz spawned a lot of subgenres. When it comes to audience, there is only the matter of appreciation. Anyone who appreciates blues is welcome to blues. The same principle applies to jazz music. Works Cited: History-of-rock. com â€Å"A Short Blues History. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://www. history-of-rock. com/blues. htm. Unc. edu. â€Å"A (very) brief history of jazz. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://ils. unc. edu/~jnvicker/inls181/final/histpart2. html. Wikipedia. â€Å"Blues. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Blues. Wikipedia. â€Å"Jazz. † n. d. 27 Jul. 2009 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jazz.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluation of Soil Management Strategies in Two Named Farming Systems Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of Soil Management Strategies in Two Named Farming Systems Essay Evaluation of the soil management strategies in the India The more time goes past, the more man starts realising how the management and the way we threat soils is important to insure its preservation and conservation. Nowadays, around 9. 4 million hectares of soil, which represent the 0. 5% of the land present on our planet, is irreparably damaged and has no longer any biological function. In other words, it can no longer be used in any useful way to provide food or other elements to the earth’s tenants. There are though, two factors that influence soil degradation; the human factor and the natural one. The most impactful one is the human one, as we tend to create disequilibrium in the rate at which soil forms and at which it is eroded or degraded. This is due to the fact that farmers work the soil too frequently or misunderstand and mismanage their lands. On the other hand, erosion and degradation, which embody the natural factors, are part of nature’s cycle and over time, they do not create imbalances. In poorer countries, farmers use subsistence farming and they are in a way constricted to do so, as they not only lack of economical resources to buy machinery and conditioners, but also because the quality of the soil often doesn’t give them the opportunity to be able to work the land more intensively. In the regions of West Bengal located in the northwest of India to take an example, the density of the population is so high that farmers only can use their little land holding to produce enough in order to feed themselves and their families. This way of managing the soil is called subsistence farming and is also used in the entire southeast of India, where the soil is so degraded that the population has no other choice but to use this agricultural strategy named sedentary farming. It involves farming always at the same place, living there and getting crops relying uniquely on labour and not on any capital investments. In India we can find a very large division, varying from economical to socio-political, and even agricultural. Up in the Northwest of India, within the hills of Jaipur in Rajasthan, intensive commercial farmers are predominant as the country represents the fourth biggest agricultural power of the world. The practices and components involved in intensive farming are harmful to the soil because farmers take advantage of the resources that are available and often abuse their terrain in such way that it harms it, leading to an increase of the rate at which the land is deteriorated. But not all methods are harmful to Nature; the method used in the forests of north India by the poorer citizens has a much better environmental impact than the industrial one used by richer farmers. As equally common, this method is called shifting farming which consists in burning a piece of land so that the ashes fertilise the soil. Then the famer grows its crops for around 2 to 5 years, until the soil’s fertility starts to decrease so he moves to another place repeating the same process. After a break more or less long 10 years, the farmer can go back to the first place as the terrain supposedly had time to regain its fertility and he can so for cultivate his crops again. In fact, the material and gears used, plus the methods are much different one from another. Within the subsistence one, natural fertilizers will be more likely to be used while on the intensive one, chemicals and heavy machinery often take the lead. These different strategies used to manage the soil comprise advantages and disadvantages, to both the farmers and the land. The sustainable farming strategy is on the short term less beneficial to the farmer as it will limit his production. But this technique won’t make any harm to the soil because the method used is less intensive, and natural fertilisers such as animal rejections and organic wastes replace chemicals and fertilizers used in the intensive method. But as stated above, India is the fourth largest agricultural force on this planet and that’s when the management of the soil starts becoming problematic in accordance to its sustainability and the preservation of its quality. The choice of a farmer to opt for a specific technique rather than another relies on the income on a short period of time. Even though in India this choice mainly depends on the financial resources available, the farmers using subsistence farming will be able to use their land for a much longer period of time than those who use intensive farming. It’s also in the farmer’s benefit to use its field in a sustainable way; for environmental ssues as well as for its personal profit as on the longer term, a farmer who farms on its land in a sustainable way will be able to get an equal amount of crops over a larger period of time. To conclude, if we keep abusing the soil as they still do in certain parts of the world, by 2050 we will severely lack of available healthy soil to satisfy our needs as a result of the population’s growth rate. And even though the governments and citizens didn’t realise that before severe issues and frightening statistical data came out from the topic. We know how to prevent soil erosion from natural factors by simply planting grass or other clumping vegetation; building shelter belts and hedgerows are other examples. We can also improve the methods of cultivation, using the techniques of terracing and contour ploughing. But to prevent the abusing human activity like deforestation, I believe that the only answer is the willing and devotion of individuals of using proper pesticides and fertilizers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Benefits of Management Studies

Benefits of Management Studies 1. WHAT IS MANAGEMENT? What is management? Management is defined as the process of overseeing and coordinating the activities of other people effectively and efficiently to accomplish the goals of the organization. According to Mary Parker Follett, management is described as the art of getting things done through people, which captures the human dimension of management. During processing management by administering and coordinating works, functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are carried out by using organizational resources. Management is important in existing the organization to achieve the purpose. 2. WHO ARE MANAGERS? What should we call to a person who have administrative and leadership skills? The answer is a manager. Manager is defined as a person who is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work performance of the organizational members. Hence, managers are required to carry out planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in accomplishment of the goal of organization. According to their scope of responsibility or managerial levels, they are able to know roles, skills and time allocation. 3. WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION? How about organization? Organization is a managerial context which the management occurs. Yet, organization is defined as a group of organizational members who are responsible to accomplish the same goals. Moreover, organization is a systematic arrangement made up of individuals which is responsible for profit of organization. They should be directed by managers so that the target of the organization can be achieved. Organization would not exist if a specific purpose for the organization did not be targeted. 4. WHY STUDY MANAGEMENT? 4.1 To Study Leadership In learning business, leadership will be studied by students to manage employees in an organization in the future. Leadership is the most important skills for a manager. As managers can possess their strong leadership capabilities, they can lead their employees during the changing of environmental and organizational condition. Therefore, effectiveness and efficiency of activities can be achieved for organizational success. Furthermore, managers would examine the background of their employees and direct the suitable activities for them. Thus, the employee morale would be gained and boosted to achieve the common goal. 4.2 To Increase Teamwork By doing assignment of business studies in college, students will be divided into groups by lecturer due to working and helping among each members in the same group. As the students learnt the importance of teamwork, they can analyze the personalities of others at work in the future. This can reduce the conflict among managers and employees. In fact, teamwork is needed in teams which are segmented by departments nowadays in order to complete their organizational goals. Instead of achieving the higher goal, manager would duel with the others interests in teamwork peacefully. 4.3 To Improve Knowledge In order to run and maintain a business well, students should learn the basic principles of management in those text books. Thus, students will be educated in fact knew more about the managerial roles, skills, and functions when they are working in business or become the manager in the future. Moreover, a good management education is needed in interviewing for an upper-level position. Besides working, principles can be brought into life by giving real life examples to student. Hence, students may learn to manage everything effectively and efficiently in life for the promotion of effective practices in the future. 4.4 To Accelerate Productivity In learning management, students will know how to plan, organize, lead, and control in fact learn to get a productive results on the proper time. Soon, they could know to divide employees into many teams with different roles so that the business would run effectively and efficiently. This is because managers may become productive when they are coordinated in teamwork by discussing those issues and correcting or improving them. Therefore, when the department carries out a new concept, managers can direct strategies with increased productivity and improve their business. 4.5 To Plan Future Of Organization In studying business, students could learn to know rewards and challenges in business. This is important for them to be performed in a dynamic work place where can provide profits and losses for a manager. They would learn to duel with a variety of personalities and to face the uncertainties in the future. Although challenges made managers difficult to motivate works, they could overcome them by gaining or improving rewards. By using their creativity with the help of their knowledge, skills and experiences, they would plan to be rewarded by nurturing the employees work performance in order to achieve the organizational target. 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 Review Clearly, studying management gives advantages to students who will become a manager one day. Students will be educated in studying leadership, increasing teamwork, improving knowledge, accelerating productivity, and planning future for organization. By learning these skills through management, a manager can complete his performance effectively and efficiently to accomplish his organizational goal. Management is being important nowadays because it had been universalized, which means management is needed in organizations, organizational levels, organizational work areas, and size of organization in every countries. 5.2 Reflection Learning in business can improve our management education which can lead us to become an effective manager. So, I hope that students would take course in learning business studies due to the universality of management. Therefore, everyone could work together to increase the improvement and balance the sector of economics. In fact, I hope that everyone would use their creativity widely to complete their works effectively and efficiently in order to accomplish their organizational goals. Hence, this can produce a productive manager in fact improve his countrys image.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Feminization of Males of Animal and Human Variety through Excess Es

The feminization of males of aquatic and mammalian species has been documented around the world. The purpose of this paper is to review how estrogen in the water supply is causing the feminization of males of animal and human variety. Natural and synthetic estrogens have been found in the water supply, most notably in the effluent water from waste treatment facilities. Experiments, tests and research on the effects of estrogen on mammalian and fish species has been done in the past with conclusive evidence of feminization among the experimental animals. The tests were done in both laboratory and natural settings and included different types of fish species and mammalian species because estrogen can affect a wide array of species. This feminization of males can prove to be detrimental to species survival because of a skewed sex ratio and decreased sperm capabilities. Through research and tests the extent of the effects of estrogens on a body can be seen and from these tests suitable m easures to reduce estrogen in the water supply can be made. Introduction Estrogens are causing the feminization of males, especially invertebrates at an alarming rate. Estrogen is a group of steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body (The Free Dictionary 2011). Estrogen is found naturally in females, and males in low concentrations. Two naturally occurring estrogens are estradiol, usually referred to as E2 and estrone, referred to as E1 (Wright-Walters and Volz 2007). Not only are natural estrogens affecting the water supply, but synthetic estrogens are also. Synthetic estrogen is a chemical compound created by chemical synthesis and contains estrogenic activity, however natural estrogen and s... ...eminization. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. [Cited 22 March 2011]23(1), 3-8. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2006.00819.x Tyler CR, Jobling S. 2008. Roach, Sex, and Gender-Bending Chemicals: The Feminization of Wild Fish in English Rivers. BioScience.[Cited 22 March 2011] 58(11), 1051-1059. Available from: doi:10.1641/B581108 Liney KE, Hagger JA, Tyler CR, Depledge MH, Galloway TS, Jobling S. 2006. Health Effects I n Fish of Long-Term Exposure to Effluents from Wastewater Treatment Works. Environmental Health Perspectives. [Cited 22 March 2011] 11481-89. Available from: doi:10.1289/ehp.8058 Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. Downstream without hormones: Can rabbit food solve an emerging environmental problem? [Cited 22 November 2011] Available from: Environmental Pollution:

Solutions to Sustain Freshwater Essay -- Water Scarcity Environment

Would it be possible for humans to live without water? The answer is no because fifty percent of water is inside human bodies. In other words, water supports human lives, so every person is supposed to drink at least two litres of water everyday because it predominantly prevents them from being dehydrated. In terms of being the priceless resource, water is used in many fields such as agriculture, industry, business and so on. All preliminary products are comprised of water. Due to the abundance of water, most people seem not to be concerned about the way they consume this crucial resource. For example, in some countries, there are no dirty water treatment systems practising, and everyone can use water as much as they can as the price of water is cheap, too. However, in some countries, they lack water to access regularly and need to do trade with others in exchange for water. Also, Rogers (2008) notes, â€Å"that the problem is well-known makes it no less disturbing: today one out of six people, more than a billion, suffer inadequate access to safe freshwater† (As in New Delhi, para.3). There is no limit of the use of freshwater between one country to another, and it depends on the place people live. Even though there is a lot of freshwater available on the earth, we, people, should be worried about the proper water consumption. In order to thwart the water crisis from occurring one day, we should reverse our trend of using water by desalinating seawater, recycling waste water and reducing the unnecessary demand of water. The first solution to deal with the problem of water scarcity is to desalinate seawater. Getting freshwater from the sea is taken into account because seawater is much more than freshwater in reality. As Villiers (19... ...hwater is vital for humans to survive, but they should be more concerned about the problems of water scarcity that can happen in the future. Everyone should start to adapt these solutions such as desalinating seawater, recycling waste water and reducing water demands in order to maximize the fact that there is still the abundance of freshwater to use in a long time. Works Cited Reimold, R. J. (1998). Watershed Management: Practice, Policies, and Coordination. NY: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Rogers, P. (2008, August). Facing the Freshwater Crisis. Retrieved November 19, 2009, from Thomson, S. A. (1999). Water Use, Management, and Planning in the United States. Toronto: ACADEMIC PRESS. Valliers, M. D. (1999). Water. San Diego: Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Improving Our Ability to Make Decisions Essay -- Decision Making Proce

Decision-Making Process: Improving Our Ability to Make Decision Facing a situation, you have to decide. For example, the fire surrounds you: What do you do? Jump through the windows and risk to kill yourself or to wait the firemen and risk to be burned to death if they come to late? Every decision that we make or don’t make shapes our future. Everyone tries to make good decisions. However, it is easy to overlook an important factor, miss a desirable option, or base the decision on unreliable information. In addition, fear of making a wrong choice can cause someone to postpone decisions, leading to miss opportunities. A businessperson must have the ability to make decisions under the pressure of time and circumstances. This ability needs a good knowledge of the decision making process. From a practical point-of-view, of the most important human skills is decision-making. Both at a personal level and in context of organizations, decision-making skill strongly affects the quality of life and success. Decision-making is the process by which a person or group recognizes a choice, gathers information, analyzes the data, and determines the best option to choose. The decision-making process employs high levels of critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques. Decisions are guided by several factors, primarily the significance of the issue, the impact the decision may have, and the person's or group's morals and cultural norms. For less significant decisions that have little impact, people might not invoke the higher thinking skills that theorists expect (Decision-Making 2015). Flipping a coin, hoping for a miraculous sign, following the crowd, or by passing the responsibility to someone else are all means of making decisions. For more important decisions with gr eater impact, people often employ more advanced thought processes like those demonstrated in decision-making models by social psychologists and behaviorists. Most theories accept the idea that decision-making consists of a number of steps or stages such as improving creativity, critical thinking skills, and problem solving techniques. It is well recognized that routine cognitive processes such as memory, reasoning, and concept formation play a primary role in decision-making (Decision-Making 2015). Leaders know in their gut that creativity and innovation are the life blood of their o... ...d are seldom subject to critical review. As a result, managers frequently have a difficult time improving their decision-making capacity. Good business decisions are the heart of a successful organization. Without a process decisions may be made by the most powerful or influential person in the group or not made at all. Good decision-making is a balance between getting the most of what we want with as little risk as possible. It means that we include the right people and use a process that encourages participation while keeping or focus clearly on the decision at hand. This allows people to make the decision with a high degree of confidence and efficiency. Works Cited:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critical Thinking Skills. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Decision-Making. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Problem Solving and Decision Making. (2015). Web. March 8, 2015 Tubbs, S.L. (2004) A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Corporation. Welch, D. (2001). Decisions, Decisions: The Art of Effective Decision Making New York State. Prometheus Books.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Evaluation of Business Code of Ethics

In preparation for your research paper, write a research proposal that includes the following: †¢ Identify the topic and state the question you will answer in your research. Criminal justice to work in the area as a Probation Officer working in the Juvenile Hall †¢ Provide the rationale for your research question. Refer to the Research Question Appendix on your Week Two student Web site for examples of identifying topics and generating research questions for that topic. 1. Working with gang crime statistics members? 2.Violent offenders? 3. Sex offenders younger than 15? †¢ Describe your research writing purpose. Will you explore a question of fact, definition, value, cause and effect, or consequence? Refer to Ch. 3, Establishing a Purpose. Are you taking a stand on an issue or arguing a point? Refer to the Evaluating Your Purpose checklist in Ch. 16 of Bookmarks. I am explaining the work of a probation officer and what probation officers have to deal with juveniles. â € ¢ Describe the type of research you will conduct—primary (based on interviews, etc. ) or secondary (based on sources already written).Describe your research strategy by explaining the process you will follow to collect your information. Refer to Ch. 4, Planning Your Research Strategy. It would be secondary research, going online finding valid sources to get the information Begin building a research log: Identify (cite) details of each source and collect facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, and definitions that address your research question. Include your research log with your research proposal.†¢ List at least five sources in the research log. Research Log Jacobson, Michael. â€Å"Probation Officers. † Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Ed. Larry E. Sullivan, et al. Vol. 1: State and Local. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 2005. 369-371. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 22 Apr. 2010. Document URL http://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? &id=GALE%7CCX3 452600164&v=2. 1&u=apollo&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w

Friday, August 16, 2019

Oil & Gas Management

Abstract The Gulf of Mexico incident is an occurrence that many people in the United Kingdom and Mexico, who were affected, would like to forget as it had immense environmental and economic impact to them. This paper is going to describe the extent to which the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is considered to have led to a meaningful reform of the regulation of the offshore oil and gas industry on the UK continental shelf. These include well planning and control, environmental protection, emergency response, authority for stopping operations off, catastrophic BOP’s failure, the significance of simple checks, protection of the whistle-blowers, and a summary or conclusion of the described measures. Introduction An explosion took place on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on 20 April 2010 leading to the death of 11 workers. The region is in the Gulf of Mexico and was under contract to the British petroleum. It is still not yet known the extent of the damage that took place both on the environment and the communities around. Among the errors that led to the incident is the fact that the two pods of control on the BOP of the Deepwater Horizon showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other pod of control did not have adequate charge on the batteries; it is believed that these faults were there during the time that the accident happened. There was at least a single working control pod needed to run the automatic mode function that would have helped in closing up the BOP. The automatic mode function should have taken place in an automatic manner, without being aided, when the hydraulic line together with the electric cables were destroyed in the explosion. The automatic mode function is a very important system of backup. This paper is going to describe extent to which the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is considered to have led to a meaningful reform of the regulation of the offshore oil and gas industry on the UK continental shelf. Well planning and control The reforms that were recommended by the panel included making sure that the Well Life Cycle Practices Forum remained in place permanently. It is also required that the professional, influential representatives from the HSE and the industry meet on a regular basis to decide, review and always improve values and standards for good practice in the well integrity as well as management of application in the UKCS. The Macondo blowout is taken into consideration by the standards and consists of operating practices, sufficiency and consistency of the safety vital equipment (particularly BOPs), testing and maintenance of hardware; proficiency and training of personnel; organizational and human features. They share these standards with the partners in the industry and international regulators and the organizations that set the standards. In consideration of the Macando, it was also required that the following are considered; Whether a change in the control of well standards it essential to ne cessitate at least two barricades to be in place (besides the BOP) during the moving of a well to a situation that is not balanced with the zone of production, and; Whether there is any change required to make the operators provide notice warning about each time a situation is arrived at where the BOP together with one other barricade to a release is attained. Protecting the Environment The DECC and the industry are required to work hand in hand for the purposes of developing and adopting improvements like: The concept of Environmental Assurance plan that possibly uses the Environmental Management System or the Environmental Statement as living equipment for engendering a concept of goal-setting to environmental policies intended to continuously improving, especially in relation to the low-frequency incidents that have high impact. The identification and cohesive treatment of the generic features of documents of environmental assurance to enable the devotion of more effort to some other more localized or particular areas of possible risk and impact, via more rigorous use of internet systems. The industry has also been challenged to take greater ownership of the available regulatory requirements of the environment, which include appraisal of the contractual arrangements for the preparation and keeping up-to-date the required documents making them into tools for drivi ng improvements in the environmental evaluation and protection. The regulator is also required to continue working with the industry so as to make identifications of the ways in which the available requirements of reporting, particularly about compliance to the environmental requirements, may be rationalized or even simplified. Additionally, there might be more that should be done to show the need for, and resultant value of the comprehensive environmental evaluations that is required of them, with a need and aim of offering increases scope for approaches that are innovative to the improvement of the standards of the environment. It has also been recommended that the documents of guidance that relate to the offshore environmental effect evaluation, regulatory activities and enforcement should be revised and reviewed on a regular basis, initially following the changes in the procedures that came up from the Macando and consequently taking into consideration any other applicable or re levant occurrences, for the reinforcement of the continuous culture improvement of the UKCS and ensuring that operators are well acquainted with the present requirements and expectations of environmental best practice. In addition, since the incident of the Deepwater Horizon, some other interim environmental regulation and inspection steps that have been taken by the United Kingdom include the increasing of the number of yearly environmental inspections to the drilling rigs, besides hiring three more inspectors. This consequently increased the total number of the inspectors of the drilling rigs to ten, and this includes one inspector who is senior. Considering the less widespread areas of responsibility of the DECC in comparison to the HSE, it together with its prototype agencies have all worked with fewer inspectors as compared with the HSE. The HSE has 114 professional inspectors, whereas the DECC has about ten inspectors. The onshore offices and offshore installations are visited by DECC inspectors for the inspection of the management systems and records. They also go there to interview individuals and appraise the conditions of the site, practices and standards. The increased number of the site inspectors is expected to enable the DECC raise the number of inspections on the environment done on the mobile drilling rigs across the country from an average of seven to at least 16 on yearly basis immediately. The Cabinet Secretary referred to the inspectors’ movement between the private and public sectors. This might render it very difficult for the recruitment and maintaining of inspectors that are highly qualified in the future. The offshore inspectorate of the DECC describe their strategy of environmental inspection as one that is risk-based. This means that of the rigs that are presently carrying out activities of drilling, nearly twenty four of them, which translates to about twenty percent are on gas reservoirs; however, the DECC argue that this in herently does not pose much risk to the environment in comparison with those that operate on oil reservoirs. Hence, this is taken into consideration, together with the site of the rig and the well’s nature, the DECC aims to inspect the rigs that carryout drilling activity on particular oil reservoirs. Responding to Emergencies Arrangements for giving response to the incidents of oil spilling that pose potential danger to the marine environment were established by the Oil Pollution Emergency Plans. The plans intend to prevent pollutions as such and minimize or decrease the effect that might come with it. The Oil Pollution Emergency Plans are risk evaluations that are applicable to a particular installation or field. Their focus is on the worse-case instance; as a result of the incident at the Gulf of Mexico, the United Kingdom operators are not expected to do extra modeling for the installations of deepwater, which include a more appraisal of the predictions of oil spill beaching. These plans are also appraised by the Maritime Coastguard Department and some other related consulters like the Maritime Management Agency and the related inshore statutory agency. Witnesses were asked about the way they had changed their ways of operation in the United Kingdom deepwaters since the occurrence in the Mexican Gulf. Some of them said that they do not believe they had basically changed in any manner. This was due to the strong regulatory era that was the Cullen’s legacy of inquiry into the incident of Piper Alpha. However, with regard to establishing any changes in regulation in reaction to the tragedy of the Deepwater Horizon, they were wary of making universal and global changes that might not be proper for them from incident to incident, the kernel of what is in the safety case era. There is a feeling that the industry appears to be reacting to incidences after they have occurred instead of having anticipations and making proper planning for the high-consequence events that are low in probability. It is beyond reasonable doubt that the industry and BP’s inability to respond because it was not prepared in a proper manner was not acceptable. The black swans’ occurrence appears to be more frequent nowadays. The United Kingdom has high regulatory standards of offshore, as sho wn by the Safety Case Regime, which was established in reaction to the 1998 Piper Alpha incident. The regulatory framework of the United Kingdom is on the basis of flexible and goal-getting approaches that are stronger than those that the Deepwater Horizon operated under. Despite the high standards of regulation in the United Kingdom, they are concerned that the industry of offshore gas and oil is giving a response to disasters instead of anticipation worst-instance cases and making proper planning for the high-aftermath, low-probability occurrences. Role of the Offshore Installations Manager We are informed from both the industry and the regulator that there were individual offshore installations that always have the power to shut down the well. Bridging documents were created between the systems of the owner of the rig and the operator systems of the well to ensure that issues like who has the final word or say are properly agreed before any operation is commenced. The HSE stated that there will normally be one individual who is actually responsible for matters safety on the rig, which is the Offshore Installations Manager, the contractor of drilling. There are huge financial implications of delaying the operations of drilling even just for very short periods. In the instance of the Deepwater Horizon, we find that the BP had the aim of drilling the Macondo well for a period of 51 days only, at about 96 million dollars. It was expected that the platform of drilling would be taking off as early as 8 March 2012; however, the Macando well unexpectedly took a longer period. By the 20th April, the day that there was the blowout, which killed eleven individuals, the rig was already late by 43 days, and this would have led to an extra cost of 21 million dollars in lease fees only. There is a danger that those who are responsible for making decisions to stop operations could feel economic pressure not to do so if was possible. Catastrophic BOP’s failure The last defense line against the Macondo incident was a device known as the ‘blind shear ram’, which is part of the BOP found on top of the wellhead, and more than a mile below the ocean floors’ surface. If the oil’s upward pressure and the gas that is in the reservoir became more than the heavy drilling fluid’s downward pressure, and all the other resources for controlling the well failed to operate, the two blades of the blind shear ram, were expected to slice through the pipe of the drill and then help in sealing the well. If the BOP had worded as expected, the whole incident would not have occurred and all the lives would not have been lost. Taking into account the single blind-shear ram’s failure to run the blowout preventer of the Deepwater Horizon, which appeared to be one of the major causes of the blowout of the well of Macondo, it was recommended that the Safety and Health Executive particularly review the case for prescription that the United Kingdom Continental Shelf’s blowout preventers are well equipped with the two blind shear ram. Whereas the flexibility of the safety regulation regime of the United Kingdom seemed to have performed properly, it was also been seen that for fail-safe devices like blowout preventer, the administration or the government has adopted minimum, strict standards of safety or show that these would not actually be an economical, last-resort against catastrophes. Importance of simple checks An appraisal of the two pods of control on the BOP of the Deep-water Horizon as a result of the incident showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other pod of control did not have adequate charge on the batteries; it is believed that these faults were there during the time that the accident happened. There was at least a single working control pod needed to run the automatic mode function that would have helped in closing up the BOP. The automatic mode function should have taken place in an automatic manner, without being aided, when the hydraulic line together with the electric cables were destroyed in the explosion. The automatic mode function is a very important system of backup. It is of great concern that the simple failures of various systems were not identified during the process of inspection. As a consequence, a programme has been implemented across the global drilling operation to make sure that the equipment operates the w ay it is designed to do. Another thing that has been done to ensure that such preventable incidences do not repeat include fundamentally improving the testing procedures of the blowout preventers, which consists of making sure that the systems of backup work and are properly tested in the process of drilling a well. This is another instance of the industry giving a response to an accident instead of anticipating a possible problem, even though the new regime is highly welcome. It is believed that the authorities have to make sure that the offshore inspection regime of the United Kingdom could not be susceptible to simple faults like having a battery that does not have sufficient charge, to go without being noticed. Need to protect the whistle-blowers Owing to the immense economic pressure of keeping a drilling rig functional, it is of great concern to various stakeholders that the workers who attempt to talk about safety matters might be or even feel like they are intimidated by their seniors. The whistle-blowers are not in a position of calling a halt or bringing to a stop some things and the managers and clearly attempting to make money for the organization. Their primary responsibility is not protecting the environment. Some contradicting reports were found from the HSE regarding harassment and aggravation on the rigs as well as the industry’s assurances that honest whistleblowers will be given a hearing and protection. The government has also ensured that there are discussions with the unions and industry about the further actions that are required for the prevention of representatives of safety from feeling or being intimidated by their seniors such that they do not report a danger. Conclusion Following the fatal incidence that occurred in the Mexican Gulf, it is important that there is clarity on the hierarchy and identity of the liable stakeholders to make sure that the government, and thus the taxpayers, doe not need to pay for the outcomes of the offshore accidents. Any lack of hierarchy and clarity on the liability will hamper the compensation payment to those that are affected by the incident of the offshore. It is recommended that it needs to be a requirement of the process of licensing that it proves their capability to pay for the outcomes of any incident that could happen. It is recognized that these measures could actually be added to the cost of investment in the new United Kingdom gas and oil production and encourage the Treasury to consider this during incentives to investments as such. Bibliography A. Hopkins, ‘Risk-management and rule compliance: Decision-making in hazardous industries. Safety Science,’ (49, 110-120, 2011). B.P. Deepwater Horizon accident and response. Retrieved on 21/1/2014 from G. S. Braut, & P. Lindoe, ‘Risk Regulation in the North Sea: A common law perspective on Norwegian legislation.’ (Paper presented at the WorkingonSafety, 2009). G. S. Braut, & P.H. Lindoe, ‘Risk Regulation in the North Sea: A Common Law Perspecitve on Norwegian Legislation.’ (Safety Science Monitor, 14(1, Article 2), 2010). Great Britain. UK deepwater drilling: Implications of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. (London: The Stationery Office, 2011) J. Kringen, Culture and control. Regulation of risk in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry, (University of Oslo, 2011). J. Vinnem, ‘Risk indicators for major hazards on offshore installations.â⠂¬â„¢ (Safety Science, 48, 770-787, 2010). M. Baram, Self Regulation and Safety Management. (WoS, Roros, 2011). O. E. Olsen, & P.H. Lindoe, ‘Risk on the ramble: The interntional transfer of risk and vulnerability.’ (Safety Science, 47, 743-755, 2009). Ocean Portal Team. Gulf Oil Spill. Retreieved on 21 Jan 2014 from P. Lindoe, & O.E. Olsen, ‘Conflicting Goals and mixed Roles in Risk Regulation: a case study of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.’ (Journal of Risk Research, (12(3-4), 1-15, 2009). R. Steizor, Lessons from the North Sea: Should â€Å"Safety Cases† Come to America. (School of Law, University of Maryland, Paper no. 2011-3, 2011). P. Lindoe, O. A. Engen, & O.E. Olsen, ‘Reponses to accidents in different industrial sectors.’ (Safety Science, 49, 90-97, 2011).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Blood Disorders Causes Treatments Cures Health And Social Care Essay

Blood upsets have an consequence on anyone ‘s life that happens to hold one. The effects are non merely in the mundane life but besides in one ‘s wellness. There are many scopes of blood diseases and upsets and there are many helpful interventions available to assist a individual live a normal life every twenty-four hours. Normally with proper intervention these diseases and upsets are non life threatening, nevertheless in a few rare instances this is non the instance. These scenarios will hopefully supply a clearer position of three different blood upsets, the intervention methods, the cause of them, and possible bar methods for each one.Scenario OneIn scenario one, we have Amy who is a four-year-old Caucasic female and she is presently at hazard of undertaking Iron Deficiency Anemia. Iron lack anaemia is a disease of the blood which is created when a individual does non have plenty or the proper sum of the mineral Fe. When a individual does non hold a sufficient sum of Fe in the blood there are effects such as non bring forthing adequate new ruddy blood cells or haemoglobin for the organic structure to work decently. â€Å" Every ruddy blood cell contains haemoglobin, which is the portion of the cell that carries our O. Without the appropriate sum of Fe within one ‘s organic structure, the organic structure makes fewer and smaller ruddy blood cells go forthing the organic structure with less haemoglobin to administer O throughout one ‘s organic structure to tissues and cells. † ( WebMD, 2005-2009 ) . Without the proper sum of O making the critical tissues, variety meats, and cells, the organic structure as a whole begins to endure and usually a individual will go unenrgetic, have less energy, and may hold a pale visual aspect to the tegument. There are many causes or grounds a individual could develop anaemia or lowered Fe degrees in the organic structure. Many pregnant adult females develop a signifier of anaemia, this is caused by the turning babe utilizing up the Fe from the female parents organic structure, and this will decide itself one time the gestation comes to fruition. There are causes nevertheless that have nil to make with gestation which are, heavy catamenial hemorrhage, shed blooding inside the organic structure, an inability to absorb Fe, and a deficiency of Fe in a individual ‘s diet. For adult females if the menopausal and catamenial rhythms are highly heavy and a adult female looses excessively much blood this consequences in a loss of haemoglobin, ( Fe ) doing a low Fe count. The same is true for internal hemorrhage or surgery with non plenty blood on manus, any loss of blood from the organic structure that is excessively great will ensue in a low Fe count. There are besides some people who have or develop an inability to absorb adequate Fe from the nutrients they eat or the addendums they take, the little bowel in instances such as these usually involve an enteric upset. The normal or recommended intervention in these instances is the remotion of portion of the little bowel, and or utilizing a prescription-strength or an existent prescription, medicine that will assist with tummy acid. The most common signifier of anaemia is an Iron Deficiency Anemia due to non enough Fe in a individual ‘s diet and may hold to get down taking an Fe addendum or doing dietetic alterations to counterbalance. The best class of action in these instances is to seek and increase the sum of Fe rich nutrients you would devour, these include ; meats, some cereals, ruddy meats, seafood, domestic fowl, eggs, staff of lifes, pastas, Spinacia oleracea, raisins, nuts, dark green leafy veggies, other nutrients that have iron fortified on the label, cheeses, and most other dairy merchandises. Doctors can name an Fe lack upset through a simple blood trial given to anyone who believes they may hold a lack or by a supplier who believes the patient may hold a lack. The trial that is preformed includes analyzing the haematocrit and haemoglobin degrees, the size and form of the blood cells, the colour of the blood cells, and a measuring of ferritin. Once diagnosed with an Fe lack upset or anaemia, keeping this unwellness is reasonably easy. Iron addendums mundane or sometimes a few times a twenty-four hours are needed, besides this may be a simple as taking a multi-vitamin with Fe in it. A diet alteration is besides extremely recommended so that the sum of Fe a individual consumptions from nutrient is increased. Having the increased Fe degrees in the organic structure through addendums and or diet alterations will assist to alleviate the symptoms that come with it. Regular proving for Fe lack is besides recommended to supervise the degrees of Fe and to see if the upset is acqui ring better, worse or remaining the same.Scenario TwoIn scenario two, we have Marcus, a 5-year-old African American male who is susceptible to the blood upset Sickle Cell Anemia, as his female parent is a bearer of the disease. As stated by The HealthCentral Network, Inc ( 2004-2009 ) , â€Å" Sickle cell anaemia is caused by an unnatural type of haemoglobin called haemoglobin S † ( A ¶1 ) . Sickle cell anaemia is non a disease that can be caught like many other diseases, it is an familial upset where one transcript of the reaping hook cell cistron or haemoglobin S, is passed down from each parent and nowadays in the receiver. If merely one cistron is present in the receiver, the individual is known as being merely a bearer to the upset of reaping hook cell anaemia and non one that is ab initio affected by it. When an single carries two cistrons, one from each parent of haemoglobin S the ruddy cells in his or her organic structure are shaped like reaping hooks or, semilunar Moons and tend to clop together doing them gluey, stiff, and fragile. Sickle cell anaemia does non know apart with penchant for any nationality as it can be found present in all nationalities ; nevertheless it is found more in African American, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent. If a individual suspects that they may be a bearer of reaping hook cell anemia a blood trial can be given to name reaping hook cell anaemia. When proving for reaping hook cell anaemia, a simple blood trial is done to look into for the presence of haemoglobin S. If the supplier determines that the individual has a positive consequence from the blood farther testing will be done to find whether one or two cistrons are present. To corroborate the findings of the blood trial consequence, a sample of blood taken will examined under a microscope to see if there are a big figure of sickle cells. If necessary more blood trials will be done to find if the individual has anemia every bit good. Currently there is no remedy for reaping hook cell anemia there are interventions available from the extreme which is a bone marrow graft which should free the disease from the organic structure to medicines and interventions to assist with the symptoms and effects of the disease. The interventions and medicines for this disease are pain stand-ins, blood transfusions, and reasonably much everything in between. Most of the interventions or medicines given to people who suffer from this disease are for the bar of infections, commanding complications, and hurting direction. Due to this being an familial disease forestalling it from happening is non a possibility yet. The lone protection prospective parents can take is being tested before going pregnant, and these prospective parents can so do an informed determination on how to continue. â€Å" If one wishes to travel away with gestating kids other options such as an in vitro fertilisation process that helps one to hold a healthy non-affected kid is available. † ( Mayo Clinic, 1998-2009 ) .Scenario ThreeIn scenario three, Richard an person, who over the last few hebdomads has began detecting more than a few contusions and they are more evident. Richard is being tested for thrombopenia, which seems like the most likely pick for this state of affairs. Thrombocytopenia occurs when there are a lacking figure of thrombocytes in a individual ‘s blood, and this causes the blood non to coagulate decently. When proper curdling is non achieved in the organic structure a individual can see superficial hemorrhage into the tegument, self-generated hemorrhage, prolonged hemorrhage of cuts, easy or inordinate bruising, and blood in urine and stool. The causes of thrombopenia could be from any figure of things such as ; quinine, Lipo-Hepin, histamine blockers, the usage of intoxicant, a root cell hurt, marrow aplasia, fibrosis, malignant neoplastic disease, or an expansion of a individual ‘s lien. â€Å" Diagnosis of this upset is conducted by the usage of a blood trial, physical scrutiny, and a bone marrow scrutiny. In naming if, an person has contracted thrombocytopenia 1s physician will carry on a blood trial to number the figure of thrombocytes that are presently in one ‘s blood and physically analyze one ‘s organic structure for marks of an hypertrophied lien. If it is determined that one has the upset one ‘s physician will so order a bone marrow scrutiny and particular blood trials to assist find the cause of the disease. † ( Mayo Clinic, 1998-2009 ) . The interventions and medicines available for thrombopenia include surgery, blood transfusions, and plasma exchange, and the medicines used to handle this upset include a assortment to stamp down a individual ‘s immune system and or medicines that block antibodies that are assailing thrombocytes. Intelligibly surgery is used merely when necessary and this usually occurs when a individual ‘s spleen demands taking. A plasma exchange and blood transfusions, which are once more merely used in patients that need this process done, are usually used for persons with terrible hemorrhage. The lone existent preventative steps available to forestall the reoccurrence or happening of this upset, it is advised that one be monitored on a regular basis by a physician or supplier. As demonstrated blood upsets can happen to anyone either by genetic sciences, chemical, or both factors. With proper showings and regular well cheques with a physician or supplier a individual would hold a just opportunity of catching the job and receive intervention. Having a blood upset can be a life endangering issue, so the Oklahoman it is caught and treated with medicine or other interventions available, the better a individual ‘s opportunity to populate a long healthy life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

One of Sandro Botticelli’s most famous paintings represents a classical myth – the birth of Venus (1485–1486). This painting shows the myth of Venus’ birth. Botticelli based the picture in a text: â€Å"the profane Birth of Venus and the coronation of the sacred Venus. It was written by Ange Poliziano, based on an ode by Hesiod. † (Berger Foundation, 2006) â€Å"The effect, nonetheless, is distinctly pagan, taking as inspiration written descriptions by the 2nd century historian Lucian of masterpieces of Ancient Greece, was made at a time and place when most artworks depicted Roman Catholic themes.It is somewhat surprising that this canvas escaped the flames of Savonarola's bonfires, where a number of Botticelli's other â€Å"pagan† influenced works perished. Botticelli was very close to Lorenzo de Medici. Because of their friendship and Lorenzo's power, this work was spared from Savonarola's fires and the disapproval of the Church. † ( Wikipedia, 2006) The picture can be divided into three parts: At the left, Zephyr and Chloris fly with tangled limbs. Around them, there are falling roses with golden hearts. At the right part, the trees form part of a flowering orange grove, related to the Greek myth of Hesperides’ sacred garden.At the center appears the Nymph, that might be one of the Greek goddesses of the seasons (Spring or Flora) which welcomes her on land; and the shell where it can be seen maybe not Venus’ birth but the moment when she lands at Paphos in Cyprus, having been carried by the shell. Tolstoy’s interpretation of art Leo Tolstoy, besides his well known literature work, has developed his own theory of art, which emphasises the importance of art to human beings through the communication from the artists to the receivers their emotions and feelings. For him art is a mean of communication of feeling rather than ideas.The artist communicates through the use of colour, sound, movement or words, an emotion or feeling that he has previously experienced. Tolstoy denies different conceptions on art, like those which say that is a manifestation of some mysterious idea, or that art is a way to let off the excess of energy stored by men, or just pure pleasure. For Tolstoy art is a mean of union among men, essential to life, fostering the spiritual evolution of humankind. Birth of Venus under Tolstoy’s perspective It can be stated that Botticelli takes from different artists and thinkers the foundations which uses to express his feelings and emotions.During his time, the renaissance, ancient mythology was admired again. Artists and men of science gathered around the princes, and they all lived together. Among these men interest in the past grew and they started to translate Virgil, Homer, Hesiod and Pindar. Thus, it was very feasible that the humanist ideas propagated rapidly. The art in Florence started to growth and the humanist ideas were incorporated into the artists’ work. To interpret art it is important to pay attention to the links â€Å"between motifs in the works in question and other cultural phenomena of the time, including literary and theological documents. † (Matthew, 1997)Boticcelli’s Birth of Venus, painted for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medicis, is a palpable example of what Tolstoy referred in his theory. Without communication between these people it might be impossible to produce this painting. It reflects the ideas that were common among these men. Now, there is the fact of what feelings or emotions Botticelli tried to express. The story of Venus’ birth is a divine message which brought beauty to humanity. It might be understood that the painter tried to represent this myth in a valuable way. The painting communicates Botticelli’s emotions in front of the power of nature’s creative force.Collingwood’s vision of art Collingwood’s vision of art states that â€Å"th e work of art is a purely imaginary object, existing only and truly, in the artist’s mind and that it is an expression of the artist emotion. † (Collingwood, 1938) Therefore, if the work only exists in the artist’s mind, its physical representation is a way to represent it to others. The way that Collingwood sees art could be explained in this order: the artist has feelings which are unconscious, he gets aware of them through emotions and its expressions, and thus he is conscious of the feeling.Then, the way that he liberates from the oppression of these feelings is through his artistic expression. Thus, art is the way that the artist expresses his own emotions for himself. â€Å"Communicating that emotion to others is secondary† ((Collingwood, 1938) as he views artistic creation as, basically, a process of self acknowledgment. The intention is to make it understood the way that the artist who has expressed the emotion felt in having the emotion. Birth of Venus according to Collingwood’s perspective Under Collingwood’s perspective is complex to establish an analysis of Botticelli’s picture.According to his particular view of art, the painter tries to express his emotions in a way to put his mind at ease. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what feelings or emotions were â€Å"perturbing† Botticelli’s mind. He was trying to explore his own emotions, thus the only thing that can be analysed is the secondary communication, the one that is possible thanks to the fact that the artist uses to express himself a language that might be understood by everyone. What emotions were driving the painter? By looking at the picture one may asses that he feels overwhelmed and amazed by nature’s force.Also, besides the beauty of the painting, an uncommon length of Venus’ neck and the unusual angle that her left arm describes aid to attain harmony, enhancing the feeling of a subtle and tender being, as the story says, a gift from heaven. Botticelli painted â€Å"men and women†¦daddened perpetually by the shadow upon them of the great things from which they shrink. † (David, 1980) Conclusion Collingwood’s theory of art opposes to Tolstoy’s. While Tolstoy says that the only reason of art is communication, Collingwood says that art is a purely imaginary object, existing only in the artist’s mind, thus is an expression of the artist emotion.They both are aware of the fact that emotions are remarkably essential in the creation of art, but Collingwood’s account of the emotions is very different from Tolstoy’s. He says that the artist expression is a way of self liberation from the feelings or emotions, while Tolstoy’s says that the artist wants to communicate a feeling that the artist has previously experienced. For Collingwood, creation is in some way self-seeking, while for Tolstoy is an act of communication essential for unders tanding among humanity. References The Birth of Venus (Botticelli) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Birth_of_Venus_%28Botticelli%29 Rampley, Matthew, 1997 â€Å"From Symbol to Allegory: Aby Warburg's Theory of Art†. Journal article; The Art Bulletin, Vol. 79, Cowart, David, 1980 â€Å"Thomas Pynchon: The Art of Allusion† Book. Southern Illinois University Press, Wikipedia. 2006 Sandro Botticelli article. November. Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation. â€Å"World Art Treasures† R. G. Collingwood, 1938, Art as an Expression